Energy Medicine
About Energy Medicine
The core modality of Energy Medicine that I am in is trained in is called Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing from within. It is a non-intrusive, drug-free treatment for emotional and physical trauma. Therefore, you do not have to talk about past experiences during a session for it to be effective!
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.
Imagine a stream blocked by rocks and sticks and how much harder it is for the water to flow smoothly. Your energetic system operates the same way!
Because of emotional and physical trauma, “blockages” can occur in your energy column or chakras. This reduces the flow of your energy. As a result, your vibration will be low which can lead to stress and illness.
A high and free-flowing energy vibration makes it easier for us to be happy and healthy. Reiki can help with this! Also, Reiki sessions can greatly reduce chronic and acute pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and much more.
Because Reiki is basically the flow of the Universe’s energy, it is not associated with any religion, culture, or belief system. The energy of the Universe simply exists for all!
I hold a direct Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master lineage to the founder, removed by seven.
I am also trained in other energy medicine modalities that combined with my own innate abilities to connect with Source energy allow for permanent changes in your body, mind, and Spirit.
I want to make this clear – I do not HEAL you. I am a CHANNEL of Divine love, healing, and wisdom. As The Light Vessel, I collaborate with you and your Higher Self to activate – or align you with – the optimal health of body, mind and Spirit that is your birthright.
Due to my training, I have a clear understanding of the mind-body connection. The effect of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and experiences can get trapped in your body. Think of a knot in your back, as an example. I am able to help clear these blockages that lead to dis-ease and dis-comfort.
And, with the addition of applied mindfulness coaching, you and I can get to the ROOT cause of the energy blockages and clear those too. This is a much better alternative to treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals!
Even more, we not only clear the trapped energy, but we bring the healing into your conscious mind. This can lead to a PERMANENT change of behavior and thought patterns in your daily life! How exciting is THAT!?
Essentially, we re-wire your mind so that you change from a problem focused life to a positive mindset of “What else is possible?!” Reiki alone can’t accomplish these life changing results!
The methods I use are a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual, emotional, and physical healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Additionally, energy medicine works along with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Energy medicine sessions with me can assist in a speedier recovery for many people who are in treatment for cancer or are having surgery. Finally, when used in addition to talk therapy, a person may have an improvement in their mental well-being in a much shorter amount of time. And, not only that, a holistic modality like energy medicine takes what was/IS effective in talk therapy and leaves the rest behind, creating genuine change rather than reinforcing the old storylines.
If you’re interested in things like ancestral healing, inner child healing, soul level healing, toning, sound healing, light language, and more, ALL of that is in my Divine “toolbox”. As a channel for the Divine, I am able to connect to the Cosmic Consciousness that flows throughout the Universe and every one of us. With intention and the power of my words, connection to Source, and my supercharged heart field, I can help you to quickly bring your energetic system into a sense of peace and calm.
An Energy Medicine Session with Chanin
The experience of an energy medicine session varies for each person. It is primarily done by flowing the energy from Source through the hands just above your body or via a light touch. You can feel warmth, tingling, or subtle movement in various parts of your body. You may have an emotional release such as crying. There can be many positive effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being Some people may feel nothing at all, but that does not mean it isn’t working! And, the experience is the same whether done in-person or remotely!
These sessions have a cumulative effect and even people who don’t notice much change during the first session usually have progressively deeper experiences if they continue working with me.
Besides outcomes during a session, you may notice other changes that occur in the following days.
For instance, many people report feeling more calm OR feeling emotional, sleeping better at night, having more energy, etc. You may have years of trauma trapped in your body so it is not all going to release in one session!
Therefore, 10 sessions within a month is highly recommended. This allows me to address any emotional or physical symptoms that may occur. After that, we can discuss how you would like to proceed.
Finally, if you are unable to meet with me in person, sessions can actually be done from afar. The transfer of energy has no boundaries!
Your new life full of peace, joy, love and kindness awaits! Book a session now!
Energy medicine sessions are meant to be complementary treatments and are NOT to take the place of regular medical care.
It is recommended you see a licensed physician or health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have.
Always consult your physician prior to changing any medication or adding any new regime to your medical treatments.
I do not diagnose conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatments, prescribe substances, offer medical advice, claim to heal, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.
Chanin Zellner – The Light Vessel