
Higher Love Affirmations Series

Original price was: $122.00.Current price is: $98.00.

This series contains all 7 affirmations video and audio products.  You will receive links to download them once you purchase them.  Thank you!

Affirmations said alone usually only set people up for feelings of failure.  Chanin was divinely given this idea a year ago so that you can actually augment the healing of your various false beliefs and traumas via affirmations COMBINED with energy medicine. These recordings will not only help to clear out the blockages in your body that cause you disease, illness and suffering, but will also help rewire your brain's neural pathways at the same time!

These amazing affirmations videos encoded with energy medicine and Divine love will quicken your results.  Each video pertains to a particular aspect of your life. This series is the most impactful way to help heal and activate ALL areas of your life using affirmations and energy medicine!

Listen to these affirmations every day - one a day at first - to delve deep into the various layers of your energetic blockages.  This will help you to clear out the trauma your system has been clinging to AND activate more joy, love, peace and prosperity in your life!

Higher Love Affirmations Series

Photo by cocoparisienne--127419


stress, peace, healing trauma, energy medicine

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